It's my last morning here in San Jose. I've spent the week binging on Agua de Pipa, and cherishing each passing moment with little Niva. I just finished my last Almond Croissant from Chez Christophe on the deck, surrounded by the family that has made my experience here unforgettable.
I've visited some amazing locations the past 10 months , but I’ve decided to end my last blog from Costa Rica with my "Top 5" favorite flavors from here in San Jose. Hello, Bozeman. Adios Costa Rica. Te quiero mucho.
1. Agua de Pipa
Yes, I hear this trend has now creeped into most American supermarkets (where the juice is probably being contained in some sort of plastic after being shipped thousands of miles from its source), but this refreshing local favorite has captured my heart. I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but hot damn this stuff is the perfect start to your morning or a refreshing afternoon drink. It's best when purchased fresh from an outdoor vendor, but the store-bought (gulp, stored in plastic) is an acceptable substitute if the fresh is not at hand.
2. Chicharrón
Ok I admit it. I didn’t actually know what Chicharrón was until I tried it. I knew they were deep fried, and quite Tico, so obviously I agreed to shove them in my face. I was with a Gringo (or is he Spanish?) friend of mine who basically eats anything, so 2 plates went quickly. Originating in Spain (like most bad things in Central America), the fried pork rinds are crispy and delicious. Not too greasy, and definitely worth getting the upset stomach for. When I do eat meat, I mean it. No one can deny how delicious pigs really can be.
3. Buena Tierra:
An inspiring, thriving Café that made me cry upon departing from my last visit, Buenna Tierra (meaning Good Earth) is a tiny and cozy restaurant tucked into a small, thoughtfully designed modern building in the heart of historic Escazu Centro. Serving primarily local organic vegan cuisine, this was a favorite breakfast spot for Niva and I after visiting the Wednesday morning organic market. I enjoyed the excellent coffee, Niva loved watching for buses and traffic, and we both always ate well. A must stop for anyone spending time in San Jose.
4. Butter.
You’re right, this is not a unique Costa Rican place or flavor. This ingredient has crept back into my life whether I will admit to it or not. I am an olive oil slut. That is my preferred fat of choice and has been for years. I try and limit animal products in my diet, and butter was the first to go many years ago. This does not include my occasional binges with steamed whole artichokes or anything French, but things have changed after living with the Smiths. It started with a little “buttey toast” and things started to get out of hand. Start and finish the risotto with a little butter? Sounds like a good idea. Buttered rice? Yup. Ok so maybe it didn’t get completely out of hand, but I do value butter much more than 10 months ago. There is no substitute. I guess I just needed a gentle, artery clogging reminder.
5. Fruit fruit fruit
Sweet juicy pineapple. Always fresh avocado. A variety of bananas. Organic local strawberries. The array of fresh fruits in Central America is incredible. My personal favorite, as seen in the photo above, is a "Manzana de Agua", literally meaning "Water Apple". They are a seasonal fruit available during the early rainy season, and become extremely addictive. They are a sweet, pear-like fruit with a tangy white flesh that leaves a sort of dry after taste in your mouth. I've saved a seed and perhaps one day I'll have my own personal stash.