Sunday, July 31, 2011

Honey Do!

We all have memories of special items from our childhood.  A Grandmother's glass candy jar, treasured for its delicate conical glass top as much as its contents.  A certain German beer stein that doubled as a tea kettle for my imaginary party guests.  A finished wooden walking stick, and the way it rested gently on the fireplace's rough brick walls.  A deck of worm animal cards, played with by generations of grandchildren.  And, the honored honey pot.  I'm not sure where my mother purchased this great jar, but as an adult I love its filling as much as its vessel.

Finding reliable, local, year round food here can be obviously difficult considering the tiny growing season.   Right now we are being spoiled with the summer produce at the markets and co-op, and even our garden is providing.  I never enjoyed honey as a child, although I remember my brother globing the stuff on his bowl of cream of wheat until we weren't sure where the honey stopped and the wheat began.  But, this local Bozeman honey is amazing.  Its spicy, its sweet, and it is even thought to help combat seasonal allergies.  Lately, I've enjoyed it in tea (always trying to cut the coffee addiction), baked goods, salad dressings, and even burgers.

Move over, agave.