Monday, March 19, 2012


We've just arrived in Brisbane, or "Brissy" as they like to say.  It's a bit more humid here, but we are looking forward to seeing friends and enjoying more city life.

We had a great time at Bawley Beach, a quick 3 hour drive south from Sydney.   Ironically, I've been consuming more sugar here than I ever eat at home.  Australia doesn't produce the dreaded "HFCS" (high fructose corn syrup) that is found in many processed foods in the states.  Since they produce cane sugar in country, that is what is used in most candies and sugared products.  Somehow I've convinced myself that gorging myself on skittles, gummies, and even Coca-cola is "healthier" because of the pure sugar.  Hey, I am on vacation.

None the less, we've also had some lovely Australian treats, including a light meringue like desert called Pavlova.  Named after a Russian ballerina in the 1920's, it is usually topped with cream and fruit.  I had the pleasure of making it with George's sweet niece Rose, who reminds me a lot of my niece Hailey.  Here is a video of her, and George's sister Liz in beach house's kitchen.