Monday, May 7, 2012

Wait, it's May?

Oh blog.  You are still here, waiting patiently for me to finally have a moment to write.  Thanks for waiting!  I've just finished my first year of graduate school. At the moment, I'm sitting in the Seattle airport awaiting a flight to Thailand.  Ahh, a moment to breathe.   Before I begin to record my next adventure (fingers crossed), I thought I'd recap the past few months.

Meat.  Ate lots and lots of grilled meat in Australia.  Here I am having some kangaroo.  We marinated it in some dijon mustard, olive oil, and spices before giving it a quick bbq.  A bit tough, but good flavor.  Made me want to jump around, weird.

George's lovely friends Anna and Rick made us this fantastic homemade pizza in Brisbane one night.  Crispy thin sliced potatoes on top made it our favorite.  Plus, I've got the crust recipe to boot.

Chickens!  Our friends Brett and Morgan are renting a fabulous apartment in Brisbane and we had the pleasure of staying our last night with them. Their host family/landlords were gone on vacation so Brett and I were in charge of putting the chickens back in their cage.  We looked all over the yard, and began to worry until we realized they were in the cage the entire time.  Video of this is too embarrassing to share.

We removed our first tray on finished worm compost in April after our little worms worked hard all winter long.  This tray is about 18"x18" and produced about 5 lbs of fresh, delicious smelling castings.

I'm off.  Bring on the street food!