Friday, May 18, 2012

Thailand amoeba 1, Lizz 0

I am back in the States.  After being released from the hospital, I spent the next 4 days laying in a hotel/motel room trying to recover.  A rainstorm took out the electricity and plumbing one day and I spent the afternoon at our guide's home.  I tried to test the waters of the 116 degree heat index but was unable to brush off the nauseous and sick feeling.  Knowing my group was working in a school was not air conditioned and dealing with my unruly spleen (again), I made the very very difficult decision to come home to recover.  I have so much respect for all Peace Corps volunteers that have served in Asia... not only because of the heat, but also due to the lack of American cuisine that I longed for even after 10 days.  Not to say I didn't love the food and I didn't eat some amazing things.  I do not, however, want to see a side of white rice anytime soon. 

Amazing basil wrapped ginger slaw

Delicious, but so hot it made me cry

Chinese style dumplings